Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Transparency . . .

Looking back at my blog I got to thinking about the cerebral aniograms that I previously looked in to. 

This shows you the network in the brain of cerebral cortex which is linked to the nerves in the body. These nerves are the ones that make you move.

Is it possible to undertake this within a garment?

It also got me thinking about x-rays, skeletons and arteries. Bones are all connected in a sequence. If any one bone was missing or out of place the body would not work - breaking the sequence loosing the continuous and free movement that the nerves provide.
this made me think about x-rays though it is not possible to make a garment in to an x-ray machine the proses of changing the skin and muscle from opaque to transparent is something that could be interpreted in to clothing. . .

Intimacy white and blackdeveloped by Daan Roosegaarde, Maartje Dijkstra, Anouk Wipprecht, V2_ Lab (Simon de Bakker, Stan Wannet, Piem Wirtz) and the team of Studio Roosegaarde (Peter de Man, João Carneiro).

The garments are made of electrically-sensitive foils that become opaque or transparent according to alterations in current.

Intimacy black - becomes transparent as someone gets closer.
Intimacy whitevaries in transparency depending on the wearer’s own interactions with the dress.

This new technology could be used towards my idea that if you could make skin transparent why not a garment.
This could be taken further by linking the transparency to for example every time the heart beats it will flash transparent.

(Info from http://www.v2.nl/archive/works/intimacy-black)

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