Saturday, 27 November 2010

Woekshops . . .

Subtraction cutting.

One of the workshops that we took part in during this module was subtraction cutting, this was pionerd by Julian Roberts.

Within this workshop we learnt how to create complicated shapes from in essence a simple cutting technique. 

This could be a possible process in which I design around. . . 
Instead of sewing 2 pieces of fabric together to make a 'bag' just use one piece on the fold and make a 'bag' out of that.

You could also use inspiration from Issay Miyake's design 'King and queen' and leave an excess of fabric trailing behind of the subtraction dress.


Pattern Magic.

The other workshop I took part in was making a Deppari shirt. This workshop was based on Japanese style of pattern cutting.

This style of cutting I don't think is relevant to my designs and concepts as it involves several pieces rather than one. However it was a good experience and has given e food for thought on things that are possible within pattern cutting.

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